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In this section you will find a range of practical information related to our solutions. In the articles, we share our experience, discuss implementation steps and highlight good practices. It is a reliable source of information and advice on the provision of drinking water in public spaces, the legal regulations in this area, the benefits of installing drinking water dispensers and the technological aspects in this field.

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Zapewnienie dostępu do wody pitnej w szkołach – obowiązek dyrektora placówki

Każde dziecko w szkole ma prawo do nieograniczonego i bezpłatnego dostępu do czystej wody pitnej. Jest to nie tylko kwestia […]
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Are water dispensers having an impact on raising the standard of hotels and restaurants?

The modern hotel guest or restaurant customer expects not only high quality service, but also attention to comfort, ecology and modernity. [...]
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Spring is coming - time to get the springs and drinking water stations up and running!

We will soon be welcoming not only calendar spring, but also astrological spring. This means not only longer days and more pleasant temperatures, but [...]
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Drinking water wells in public spaces - comfort and ecology in one

More and more cities and local authorities are choosing to install drinking water springs in public spaces. This is a step towards ecology, [...]
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Unlimited access to drinking water for employees

Nowadays, looking after the health and wellbeing of employees is a priority for many companies. One of the key aspects is [...]
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Two steps towards a green future: a bail system and clean water for Poland

Poland is facing new environmental and public health challenges. On the one hand, the [...] being implemented from 1 October 2025 [...].
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Provision of drinking water in workplaces - obligation and solution

Access to drinking water in the workplace is not only a matter of convenience, but also an employer's responsibility. This is particularly true for establishments, [...].
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The holidays - the perfect time to upgrade schools: Drinking water dispensers as an investment in pupils' health and comfort

The winter holidays are a time of rest for pupils, but for school principals and education administrators it is the perfect opportunity to introduce [...]
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Drinking water dispensers as an alternative to the bail system - saving, convenience and ecology

From 2025, a deposit system will come into force in Poland, which aims to increase the recycling of plastic, glass and [...]
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New Year, new resolutions - take care of your health with us!

The start of the New Year is a time when many of us make resolutions to help us make positive changes to our [...]
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Mains water distributors - the ideal solution for the home

Mains water dispensers are becoming an increasingly popular choice for domestic use. They are a convenient, environmentally friendly and cost-effective solution that provides [...]
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Water dispensers in offices and clinics: For the sake of customers

In the interests of the comfort and well-being of their customers and petitioners, more and more offices and clinics are choosing to install [...]
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How do you prepare outdoor wells and water stations for winter?

The approaching winter period is a time to think about protecting outdoor water systems, such as wells, from low [...]
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Amendments to the Act on collective water supply - new obligations for local authorities

In recent years, the topic of access to clean drinking water has gained prominence across Europe, and the European Union has taken specific [...]
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Water in the workplace - the key to health, concentration and productivity

The modern working environment is where we spend a significant part of the day. It generally consists of intensive work at [...]
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After the holidays, remember to sanitise school springs

After the summer holidays or an extended break, when schools fill up with students again, one important element that is often forgotten, [...]
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Holidays - Ideal time to install drinking water springs and dispensers in schools

The summer holidays are a time eagerly awaited by students and teachers alike. It is also the perfect opportunity to carry out work [...].
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How much water should we drink per day?

Water is essential for life. It accounts for approximately 60% of adult body weight and plays a key role in almost all functions [...].
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Drinking water wells - ideal for cycle paths and sports and leisure facilities

Nowadays, more and more people are engaging in outdoor physical activities such as cycling, running [...]
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Drinking water dispensers at Polish airports gaining popularity

In recent years, more and more Polish airports have decided to install drinking water stations and dispensers. Such solutions are already in operation [...].
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Tap water - a safe and tasty option for everyone

More and more people are questioning the quality of tap water and its suitability for drinking. In Poland, tap water is [...].
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How do you keep children and the elderly properly hydrated in hot weather?

Proper hydration is crucial for the health and wellbeing of everyone, regardless of age. However, in hot weather, the need for adequate [...]
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Tap water vs. bottled water: Why is tap water not worse, but sometimes better?

Tap water is often met with some scepticism. Many people choose bottled water, believing it to be healthier and [...]
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Roofs as construction products and the need for a "B" construction mark

Spas, or public drinking water sources, play an important role in ensuring access to clean and safe water in public places, [...]
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Drinking water wells as a key tool in the fight against plastic waste

Today's municipalities and cities face the challenge of reducing plastic waste, which pollutes the environment and puts a strain on waste management systems. [...]
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How drinking water springs and public dispensers support hydration and healthy lifestyles

In an era of increasing environmental awareness and health-consciousness, cities around the world are launching various initiatives to promote [...]
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Ensuring access to drinking water in public spaces based on the provisions of EU Directive 2020/2184

Drinking water, a fundamental resource essential to life, is increasingly becoming a central topic in discussions about public health and [...]
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International Earth Day: the fight against plastic for a sustainable future

Every year on 22 April, we celebrate International Earth Day, which serves as a reminder to protect our planet and promotes action on [...]
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Microplastics in bottled water - an invisible threat

Bottled water, often regarded as a symbol of purity and health, is becoming increasingly exposed to contaminants, including [...]
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World Water Day and drinking water supplies

World Water Day, celebrated annually on 22 March, reminds us of the extraordinary importance of water to humanity and the need to manage it appropriately. [...]
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Why choose water sprinklers and dispensers adapted to the needs of people with disabilities

In today's society, there is an increasing focus on accessibility and facilitation for people with disabilities. One of the key elements of everyday [...]
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The Plastics Directive in full force: implementation of Single-Use Plastics obligations from 1 January 2024

From the beginning of 2024, the controversial, but necessary, Plastics Directive came into force in the European Union. The new legislation aims to [...]
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Too much plastic in the world: a call to give up plastic bottles

Plastic - a material that seemed to be the solution to many storage and transport challenges - has now become one [...]
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How do drinking water stations and mains water dispensers affect the positive perception of buildings?

Drinking water stations and tap water dispensers can positively influence the perception of buildings and facilities in many different ways. W [...]
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Strengthening the potential and attractiveness of leisure, sports and recreation destinations through spas

Drinking water is a fundamental element of life and access to it is a key factor for a healthy lifestyle. In the context of public projects, [...]
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How water influences proper development and well-being among children and young people

It is an obvious fact that water is a life-giving source for every human being, regardless of age. However, for children and young people, drinking [...]
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Raising standards in office space

Modern offices are placing increasing emphasis on improving working conditions and increasing employee efficiency. One simple, yet effective [...]
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The drinking water station with hand-washing station is a hit!

In the era of recent years and events, authorities, municipalities, companies and designers alike are looking for solutions that make public spaces [...]
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Why it is important for designers to include drinking water outlets in their designs

Designers have many reasons to include springs and drinking water sources in their designs. Here are some key arguments in favour of [...]
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Why is it important to remember to drink enough water?

Water is the foundation of our existence, playing a key role in the functioning of the human body. Its consumption is of paramount importance in maintaining the health [...].
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Are you familiar with the EU directive on quality and access to drinking water? Are you taking them into account in your projects?

At the end of 2020, the European Parliament adopted a directive regulating the quality of drinking water in European Union countries and having [...]
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Welcome to green projects - use water dispensers in your projects

Did you know that your project can have a positive impact on the environment? Instead of supporting the production of plastic bottles, you can use eco-friendly solutions! Take a look [...]
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Drinking water wells in the city: promotion for waterworks, benefits for residents, opportunity for your project

Clean and healthy drinking water is a key element for a healthy lifestyle and social well-being. It is therefore extremely important that residents [...]
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The importance of children drinking water - education and water dispensers in schools

Water is an essential component of a healthy diet, especially for children during their development. Drinking water instead of sweetened beverages has a number of benefits [...]
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Less waste every day

For some time now, we have been hearing more and more about the idea of zero waste and the various ways to consume less. Is zero waste in [...]
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Instead of buying another bottle of water, get a water bottle and use eco-friendly solutions

Have you thought about how many plastic bottles end up as waste in our environment every day? Online or on TV we can [...].
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Debunking myths about tap water

Water is a fundamental element of our lives. Without it, we could not exist, so its quality and availability are key issues [...]
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Water distributors in residential and office building projects

Water is one of the most important resources on Earth, essential for life and an essential part of any building. Nowadays, with [...]
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Modern water dispensers for offices

If you want to provide access to drinking water for your employees, customers or guests, you do not have to opt for unattractive, unhygienic [...].
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Drinking water wells - your ally in obtaining eco-building certification

Drinking water wells are ecological, economical and safe solutions for providing unlimited tap water in offices, offices, workplaces, [...]
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How are drinking water outlets reducing plastic waste?

As more and more people around the world become aware of the environmental impact of plastic, we are increasingly beginning to [...]
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Water sources in schools - why is it worth it?

Drinking water sources and dispensers in schools are an important part of ensuring access to healthy water for students. How these modern [...]
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Modern water distribution equipment in the context of sustainable construction

Sustainable construction is primarily aimed at generating social and financial benefits. It is one of the main elements of the economic development strategy [...].
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What are the benefits of installing drinking water springs in buildings?

Drinking water outlets in buildings are often overlooked in projects, which is a mistake as they play a significant role in [...]
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Drinking water springs in public spaces - why should there be more and more of them?

Universal access to drinking water in public spaces has been the norm in Western European and North American cities for many years. [...]
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Reusable water bottle - small change in life, big change for the environment

In the 21st century, the reusable water bottle has become an almost indispensable attribute for any person who cares about their health and [...]
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Sanitisation of water dispensers - how does it work? Why is it worth it?

The popularity of tap water for drinking has been growing in recent years. More and more people are reaching for tap water every day, opting out of buying [...]
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Top quality drinking water - Why choose a water dispenser for your home?

Adequate hydration is something we should keep in mind regardless of season or age. Fortunately, year on year [...].
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Why include drinking water outlets in building designs?

Free access to drinkable water is one of the most important rights of every human being. Fortunately, today more and more [...]
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Is drinking tap water healthy? We present the facts, dispel the myths

Drinking tap water is becoming more and more popular every year. Some people drink it because of cost savings, others - [...]
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Sparkling water dispenser - refreshment at your fingertips

Access to fresh water is extremely important, not only during hot weather. Adequate hydration is crucial for our health and [...]
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Which water dispenser for the office? Everything you need to know!

Providing employees with constant access to drinking water is one of the primary obligations of any employer under health and safety legislation. The best way, [...]
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How to reduce plastic waste on a college campus - a case study from a US campus

We discuss the issue of making drinking water available on campuses and in schools - how the right educational process and awareness building affects [...]
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Guidelines for schools on the use of water dispensers

At the start of the pandemic and then during the period when younger classes returned to school buildings, springs and water dispensers were top-down [...]
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Take advantage of our free e-books - it's worth knowing more

To meet the expectations of our audience, as well as all those interested in the topic of drinking water and its provision in public places, we have prepared a practical [...]
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Let's drink tap water instead of bottled water - legislation to reduce plastic packaging

Ubiquitous plastic packaging is slowly becoming the bane of humanity. A solution that has revolutionised the packaging industry over the years has contributed to a huge [...]
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Discover modern water dispensers for offices and offices!

If you want to provide access to drinking water for your employees, customers or guests, you do not have to opt for unattractive, unhygienic [...].
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Solutions for the disabled - advice for designers and contractors

Tap water sprinklers have established themselves on the Polish market for good. They are appearing in places such as parks, playgrounds, outdoor gyms, [...]
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Unlimited access to water - new EU rules

At the end of 2020, MEPs passed new legislation to further improve drinking water quality, access to [...]
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How do you prepare your springs for the spring-summer season?

There are a number of important things to bear in mind before restarting the outdoor springs for the next season. Proper preparation of the equipment will ensure trouble-free and [...]
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Installation of water dispensers in a closed unit in times of pandemic

The emergence of the covid virus in the world has forced new behaviours in society and the use of solutions that we would not even [...] before.
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Installation of water dispensers at the American School of Warsaw

Mid-August 2020 saw the completion of the installation of wall-mounted drinking water dispensers at the American School of Warsaw, which [...]
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