Spa brands

In this section you will find a range of practical information related to our solutions. In the articles, we share our experience, discuss implementation steps and highlight good practices. It is a reliable source of information and advice on the provision of drinking water in public spaces, the legal regulations in this area, the benefits of installing drinking water dispensers and the technological aspects in this field.

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Instead of buying another bottle of water, get a water bottle and use eco-friendly solutions

Have you ever wondered how many plastic bottles end up as waste in our environment every day? On the web or on television, we can find videos and photos showing downright piles of empty plastic bottles, or seas, lakes and rivers full of them. Plastic does not decompose, staying in the environment for hundreds of years, plastic particles are eaten by marine animals, plastic penetrates crops - all this means that we 'eat' plastic every day, which certainly does not make us healthier. Environmentalists are sounding the alarm that we are facing a plastic doom, but I don't think we are necessarily taking their words seriously yet, and the threat is real.

Drinking water nowadays

There's a trend at the moment for being fit - eating healthily, exercising and drinking more pure water, because only adequate hydration makes us feel better and is good for our health. So, we go to the shop and buy more plastic-wrapped water, the plastic waste bins are bursting at the seams filled with plastic bottles, because since you have to drink 1.5-2 litres of water a day, so everyone who drinks bottled water throws 1-2 empty bottles into the rubbish every day. That's for one person, and if there are 2 people in the household, that already makes us a number of 4, and if there are children? That's even more. And let's think that this happens in every flat, in every home... what do we get? An alarming amount of rubbish in the form of plastic bottles!

Have you ever wondered what happens to this waste? They languish in landfills, ending up in our lakes, forests, seas? Only some of it is recycled, and processing it requires a lot of energy and water. Both the recycling and the disposal of plastic bottles result in huge quantities of toxic and carcinogenic substances entering our atmosphere. Is this what we breathe? Nice? Not so much...

Cities without plastic

For years, states, local governments and various foundations have been educating the public and encouraging the use of various eco-friendly solutions to ensure that our actions do not have such a negative impact on the planet. We are eliminating plastic bags, plastic straws, cutlery, cups and trying to reduce the consumption of water in plastic bottles. But what is the alternative? It's simple. There are many bidons on the market, reusable bottles that each of us, when leaving home or work, should fill with clean tap water and enjoy its freshness. Yes, yes - tap water is perfectly drinkable, but it must meet very high standards, be clean, at the right temperature and free of micro-organisms. And this is exactly what Polish tap water is like, as the water supply companies write and boast about on their websites and social media accounts. There are towns and cities that have completely given up bottled water when working in the magistrate's office, at customer service points, during picnics and city festivals, and local government officials encourage in various campaigns to give up plastic and choose ecological solutions.

Eco-friendly water dispensers

Such solutions are the springs, sprinklers and drinking water dispensers installed in urban areas and public spaces. These modern devices solve the problem of water distribution in offices, office buildings, hospitals, clinics or to employees. Those who have so far been reluctant to drink water simply from the kitchen or bathroom tap (because this is indeed not the best way) are eagerly opting for dedicated devices, which are not infrequently equipped with water cooling and gassing functions. These dedicated devices are used solely for water distribution, and can be fitted with additional filters or disinfecting UV lamps if desired.

Safe and hygienic use

Using them is completely safe, hygienic and simple. For many years now, we have been supplying offices, offices, schools and urban areas with springs, spas and drinking water stations. These functional solutions make it possible to access drinking water wherever it is needed: at work, when walking, when doing errands at the office, etc. All you have to do is carry a bottle with you and fill it up at the dispenser. Some solutions allow you to drink water directly from the dispenser, without using a cup or bottle. But these days we recommend touchless dispensers, those that dispense water without you having to press the activation buttons. Such a solution is the A171-BF12 and BF16 series, as well as those models but equipped with very useful counters indicating how many plastic bottles have not reached the environment (-BCD models).

Bottle counter, UV lamps, filters

It is also worth looking at our indoor units that cool water but also carbonate it. The wide range of products allows you to choose a model with the water types of your choice: room-temperature water, chilled water, carbonated water, hot water or lightly carbonated water.

All units can be retrofitted with water filters or disinfectant UV lamps, or you can choose a model with an integrated UV lamp. If you would like to find out more about these solutions, please contact our representatives, they will explain everything and allow you to choose the most optimal solution. Stop buying water in plastic, be eco.

Spa brands

In this section you will find a range of practical information related to our solutions. In the articles, we share our experience, discuss implementation steps and highlight good practices. It is a reliable source of information and advice on the provision of drinking water in public spaces, the legal regulations in this area, the benefits of installing drinking water dispensers and the technological aspects in this field.

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Debunking myths about tap water

Water is a fundamental element of our lives. Without it, we would not be able to exist, and therefore its quality and availability are key issues for our health and well-being. Although tap water is widely available and meets stringent quality standards, it is accompanied by many myths and misconceptions. Many of us have heard claims about the possibility of poisoning ourselves by adding substances to our tap water, about its lack of minerals or the harmful presence of chlorine. However, it is worth considering how many of these claims are actually based on fact..

In this text, we will dispel popular myths about tap water with scientific facts and expert answers. We will find out why tap water is safe to drink, what minerals it can provide, and what disinfectants are used in the water production process. In addition, we will look at the quality of water in Poland compared to other European countries to dispel the belief that it is of inferior quality. Let's find out together why you should trust tap water and not be misled by myths.

Myth 1: Something can be added or added to tap water and poison or contaminate it

Right: This is a common myth that raises concerns about the quality of tap water. However, tap water is controlled at every stage, both during production and transmission to consumers. Water pipes are usually located deep underground, making it impossible for any substances to penetrate the pipe and add to the water. In addition, the water is regularly tested for quality and any irregularities are rectified immediately.

Myth 2: Tap water is devoid of minerals

Right: This is also a myth. Tap water is saturated with valuable minerals such as magnesium, calcium and other minerals. The amount of these minerals can vary from location to location, but on average it contains more than 300 mg of minerals per litre. It is these minerals that are responsible for the build-up of so-called limescale in household appliances such as the kettle. Paradoxically, many people choose bottled water to get the same minerals that are available in tap water.

Myth 3: Tap water is hard and contributes to kidney stones

Right: This is another myth that has no scientific backing. The formation of kidney stones is not related to the hardness of the water we drink. Kidney stones are formed as a result of metabolic disorders in the body, not as a result of drinking hard water. It is worth pointing out that water hardness can affect limescale build-up in household appliances, but is not related to kidney health.

Myth 4: Tap water can only be drunk after boiling to eliminate bacteria

Right: Tap water can be drunk without boiling it. It is bacteriologically pure, which means that it is free of harmful bacteria. The high temperature when boiling the water only kills the micro-organisms, but such disinfection processes already take place during the production of water in treatment plants.

Myth 5: Chlorine in tap water is harmful

Right: Chlorine is used as a disinfectant in tap water. Its presence is aimed at killing and eliminating harmful bacteria, which contributes to keeping the water clean. The doses of chlorine used are carefully controlled and have no harmful effects on our health. Chlorine is widely used throughout the world to disinfect drinking water.

Myth 6: Polish tap water is much worse than water in other countries in Europe

Right: Water from Polish taps meets the same quality standards as water in other European countries. All of these waters are subject to EU drinking water quality requirements. In addition, Poland has its own regulations governing water quality, which means that in some cases the water parameters may even be stricter than EU standards. Therefore, there is no reason to believe that Polish tap water is inferior to that in other countries.

In conclusion, many myths about tap water are untrue. Tap water is usually safe to drink and can contain valuable minerals. There are strict regulations and controls to ensure the quality of water supplied to homes, making it an economical and healthy source of hydration.

Spa brands

In this section you will find a range of practical information related to our solutions. In the articles, we share our experience, discuss implementation steps and highlight good practices. It is a reliable source of information and advice on the provision of drinking water in public spaces, the legal regulations in this area, the benefits of installing drinking water dispensers and the technological aspects in this field.

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Water distributors in residential and office building projects

Water is one of the most important resources on Earth, essential for life and a vital component of any building. Nowadays, with the increasing demand for convenience and efficiency, modern technologies are becoming a key component of residential and office building designs. One such innovative solution is modern water dispensers, which not only provide water but also bring numerous benefits to users and property owners.

Convenience and time saving

Filling bottles of tap water in the bathroom or kitchen faucet where we have just washed the dishes is not very hygienic. In addition, tap water is not always at the right temperature for consumption. Modern water dispensers offer quick access to drinking water at the temperature of your choice, without having to wait for it to cool down or be saturated with gas to obtain carbonated water. This is extremely important in offices and factories, where employees often need quick access to water to stay hydrated and efficient.

Sustainable and green alternative

Water in plastic bottles is an environmental problem. Modern water dispensers allow the use of tap water, eliminating the need to purchase plastic bottles and generate waste. In addition, these dispensers are often equipped with filtration systems that improve water quality, eliminating contaminants and providing a healthier alternative to bottled water.

Cost reduction

Although investing in modern water dispensers may seem expensive at the outset, the solution can save money in the long term. Eliminating the need to purchase bottled water and reducing the energy required to produce and transport plastic bottles are two major cost-saving factors.

Personalisation and innovation

Modern water dispensers offer a range of innovative features and personalisation options. They can be used to control the temperature of the water, heat and gas the water, which increases the appeal for users. In addition, some dispensers are equipped with touch screens with information on water quality, origin and consumption, allowing users to keep track of their drinking habits.

Hygiene and safety

Water in traditional jugs or bottles can become a source of bacterial contamination. Modern water dispensers are designed with hygiene and safety in mind. Filtration systems remove contaminants and eliminate bacteria and viruses, ensuring safe drinking water.

Take care of your project

Modern water dispensers are the perfect solution for residential and office building projects. They offer convenience, time saving, eco-friendliness, cost reduction, innovation and attention to hygiene and safety. They can provide users not only with water, but also with the unique experience of using modern technology.

As technology and environmental awareness develop, modern water dispensers can be expected to become standard in residential and office building designs, helping to improve the quality of life for users and protect the environment.

Spa brands

In this section you will find a range of practical information related to our solutions. In the articles, we share our experience, discuss implementation steps and highlight good practices. It is a reliable source of information and advice on the provision of drinking water in public spaces, the legal regulations in this area, the benefits of installing drinking water dispensers and the technological aspects in this field.

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Modern water dispensers for offices

If we want to provide access to drinking water for our employees, customers or guests, we do not have to opt for unattractive, unhygienic and cumbersome bottle dispensers. We do not have to rely solely on the costly purchase of bottled water, which additionally contributes to generating large amounts of plastic waste into the environment. No more having to stockpile cartons or gallons of water - their improper storage, unfortunately, has a negative impact on water quality. It's time to bet on modern and ecological solutions!

Benefits of using bottleless dispensers

  • Unlimited access to fresh and clean water for you, your employees and guests
  • A real reduction in costs associated with the purchase, transport and storage of bottled water
  • Reducing the amount of plastic waste generated - lower disposal costs and joining the ranks of environmentally friendly companies
  • Meeting the requirements for providing employees with access to drinking water while at work

Water springs and tap water springs are modern and safe devices for the distribution of drinking water. They are ecological, economical and reliable solutions. They perfectly fit in with current trends of healthy eating habits and being environmentally friendly. Bottle-free tap water dispensers are ideal for offices, offices, workplaces, production halls, employee canteens or training and conference rooms.

Water saving solutions for the office space

What is responsible consumerism? It is nothing more than making thoughtful purchases. And this applies to purchases made every day for our own use, but also to purchases made for our company or for our employees.

Have you thought about how many bottles of drinking water you buy in a year for yourself, your employees and your guests? Do you know the real cost of buying this water, and do you realise how much plastic waste (water bottles) ends up in landfills through your daily consumption of bottled water? Before you order another bag of water or other drinks, you might want to consider replacing them with the modern and environmentally friendly solution of drinking water dispensers. These devices are connected directly to the water mains and distribute fresh, clean drinking water continuously, hygienically, economically and safely.

There are models that show how many plastic bottles have not entered the environment by using mains dispensers. There are those whose design not only allows you to conveniently fill up bidons or bottles, but also to drink water directly from the dispenser without using a cup or other vessel. Not only do we save water this way, but we also do not have to buy drinking cups and then incur the cost of disposing of them. If there are fizzy water lovers among you, it is worth investing in appliances that not only serve mains water, but also cool and carbonate it pleasantly, all using the latest eco-friendly cooling system.

It is worth changing your habits and showing that you care about the environment not only in your private field, but also in your work. In doing so, you also show others that your office too can be innovative and environmentally friendly.

Spa brands

In this section you will find a range of practical information related to our solutions. In the articles, we share our experience, discuss implementation steps and highlight good practices. It is a reliable source of information and advice on the provision of drinking water in public spaces, the legal regulations in this area, the benefits of installing drinking water dispensers and the technological aspects in this field.

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Drinking water wells - your ally in obtaining eco-building certification

Drinking water wells are ecological, economical and safe solutions that provide unlimited access to tap water in offices, offices, workplaces, schools, shopping malls and public spaces: parks, town squares, playgrounds.

Powered directly by mains water, they contribute to reducing plastic waste in the environment and teach eco-friendly behaviour, making them an ideal fit with the policies and strategies of buildings seeking LEED or BREAM certification. Indoor units have a built-in eco-meter, showing the number of half-litre plastic bottles saved, and are made of recyclable materials and have reduced water consumption. The chiller-gas units are of the latest generation, using Green Peace-certified natural gas R290 as the refrigerant.

Spas in eco-design

Outdoor sprinklers are installations that are increasingly used in eco-design and are desired by residents, city managers and building owners alike. They are installed on patios or at the entrances to buildings, as part of relaxation areas or bicycle stations, serving employees as well as local residents. They make buildings more open to the public and more functional. Importantly, in this type of outdoor installation, we can easily reuse waste water to feed nearby flowerbeds, so not a single drop is wasted.

Let's build awareness among our towns and cities, let's teach children and young people to drink clean, healthy water, let's shape pro-environmental behaviour by reducing plastic packaging, let's show that it's worth swapping water in plastic packaging for tap water, the quality and taste of which is often superior to that enclosed in a bottle.

Spa brands

In this section you will find a range of practical information related to our solutions. In the articles, we share our experience, discuss implementation steps and highlight good practices. It is a reliable source of information and advice on the provision of drinking water in public spaces, the legal regulations in this area, the benefits of installing drinking water dispensers and the technological aspects in this field.

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How are drinking water outlets reducing plastic waste?

As more and more people around the world become aware of the environmental impact of plastic, we are increasingly starting to look for ways to reduce plastic waste. One key part of this process is the search for alternatives to beverages and water in plastic bottles, which can make a significant contribution to reducing plastic packaging and have a positive impact on our environment.

Plastic water bottles are one of the most widespread sources of plastic pollution in the world. Although plastic is a durable material and seems ideal for storing water, its production, transport, and disposal pose a huge environmental problem. One major step towards reducing these harmful effects is to reduce our reliance on plastic bottles in favour of greener sources of drinking water.

Tap water: the Ecological Alternative

Tap water, popularly known as 'tap water,' is one of the simplest and most environmentally friendly ways of supplying drinking water to our homes. First and foremost, using tap water eliminates the need to purchase plastic bottles of water, which significantly reduces plastic waste. Thanks to water purification systems in many regions, tap water is also safe to drink and meets all quality standards.

Water filtering stations

Water filter stations are another popular alternative to plastic water bottles. These devices allow us to filter tap water, removing unwanted substances and providing clean and healthy drinking water. In addition, reusable water filters are a great alternative to disposable plastic bottles. Owners of water filtration stations can use them for many years, significantly reducing the amount of plastic disposed of in landfills.

Tap water and transport

It is also worth noting that reducing the use of plastic water bottles has a positive impact on reducing carbon emissions associated with transport. The production and transport of plastic bottles generate large amounts of greenhouse gases. Using tap water or other eco-friendly sources helps to reduce our ecological carbon footprint.

Drinking water is an essential part of our daily lives, but choosing the right sources is key to protecting the environment. By reducing our use of plastic bottles in favour of tap water, we can make a significant contribution to reducing plastic waste and protecting our environment. This is a simple but effective way to preserve a clean and healthy planet for future generations. With our solutions, your tap water will not only be deliciously cool, but also carbonated. Check out our offer!

Spa brands

In this section you will find a range of practical information related to our solutions. In the articles, we share our experience, discuss implementation steps and highlight good practices. It is a reliable source of information and advice on the provision of drinking water in public spaces, the legal regulations in this area, the benefits of installing drinking water dispensers and the technological aspects in this field.

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Water sources in schools - why is it worth it?

Drinking water sources and dispensers in schools are an important part of ensuring access to healthy water for pupils. How do these state-of-the-art solutions affect comfort, health and the development of healthy habits among children and young people. This is discussed in this blog post.

Drinking water sources and dispensers in schools ensure that students have constant access to clean and healthy water. This is important because hydration has a significant impact on students' ability to concentrate and focus, which can improve their academic performance.

Children's health and teaching healthy habits

Drinking water is essential for keeping children healthy. Replacing sweetened fizzy drinks or juices with water can reduce the risk of overweight and obesity and improve overall fitness.

The introduction of water springs and dispensers in schools helps to develop healthy eating habits in children. This is important because these habits can accompany them throughout their lives.

Environmental impact

The use of drinking water springs and dispensers can help to reduce waste in the form of plastic bottles, which are often used to store water. This, in turn, benefits the environment as it reduces the production of plastic waste and reduces the need for natural resources used in bottle production.

Saving resources

The implementation of a system to supply drinking water through springs and dispensers also contributes to water savings compared to the production and packaging of water bottles. This means less consumption of energy and natural resources needed for packaging.

Elimination of the need for transport

A significant proportion of bottled water is produced in remote locations and has to be transported to shops and schools. Introducing springs and dispensers in schools reduces the need for lengthy transport, which in turn reduces the greenhouse gas emissions associated with transport. In addition, the school does not have to remember to buy water regularly or find a place to store water bottles.

In conclusion, drinking water sources and dispensers in schools have many benefits, both for children's health and for the environment. They provide access to healthy water, promote healthy eating habits and contribute to reducing the negative impact on the ecology by reducing the use of plastic packaging and conserving natural resources. We encourage everyone to join the ranks of modern and eco-friendly school buildings!

Spa brands

In this section you will find a range of practical information related to our solutions. In the articles, we share our experience, discuss implementation steps and highlight good practices. It is a reliable source of information and advice on the provision of drinking water in public spaces, the legal regulations in this area, the benefits of installing drinking water dispensers and the technological aspects in this field.

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Modern water distribution equipment in the context of sustainable construction

Sustainable construction is primarily intended to generate social and financial benefits. It is one of the main elements of the European Union's economic development strategy in recent years. In the near future, it will be based on smart, sustainable growth and on improving energy efficiency and optimising the use of natural resources, but above all on reducing greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere. All this should ultimately translate into an improved quality of life in society.


For many years, the most important thing was the dynamic global economic development, the intensive industrialisation, which unfortunately contributed to the enormous devastation of the environment. It was only after many years that a sobering up, so to speak, came and now both manufacturing and construction technologies must take the ecological aspect into account. Moreover, innovation is what counts nowadays. Consumer demands are increasing, with tenants paying attention not only to the aesthetics of facilities and buildings, but also to their functionality and economic efficiency, e.g. optimum operating costs.

The role of spas in transformation

For many years we have been supplying the Polish market with solutions that change the face of our schools, offices, workplaces, public buildings, parks, squares etc. Sprinklers, springs and drinking water stations are devices that have proven themselves for years overseas, but now also in Poland. These innovative, functional but also ecological solutions contribute to the improvement of the natural environment. In view of the alarming pollution of the environment by plastic waste and the increasing emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, one of the important issues is to reduce the production of, among others, plastic beverage bottles.

Sprinklers and springs provide unlimited access to drinking water for all who are thirsty, and are great for office buildings as well as the surrounding area. They are changing attitudes towards so-called tap water and reducing the use of plastic packaging in favour of using reusable containers.

Creating designs that meet the needs of society while remaining competitive in the marketplace and are user- and environmentally-friendly is a very broad concept, offering scope for creativity on many levels. Buildings that are energy-efficient, functional through the use of the best technologies, but also those that make optimal use of natural resources, ensuring the longevity of the building and minimum operating costs.

This is precisely what modern water dispensers can do, raising the standards of the facilities as well as the innovation and functionality of the design. For inspiration, please visit our PHOTO GALLERY.

Spa brands

In this section you will find a range of practical information related to our solutions. In the articles, we share our experience, discuss implementation steps and highlight good practices. It is a reliable source of information and advice on the provision of drinking water in public spaces, the legal regulations in this area, the benefits of installing drinking water dispensers and the technological aspects in this field.

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What are the benefits of installing drinking water springs in buildings?

Drinking water wells in buildings are often overlooked in projects, which is a mistake, as they play a significant role in promoting both environmental sustainability and economic efficiency. These inconspicuous solutions provide easy access to clean drinking water, reducing the need for disposable plastic bottles and the associated environmental and financial costs. Which ones? About this in this article.

Environmental benefits

Reducing plastic waste: One of the most important benefits of green springs is the reduction of plastic waste. Plastic bottles are a major contributor to pollution, and their production consumes huge amounts of fossil fuels. By encouraging people to refill reusable containers at fountains, we can significantly reduce the demand for single-use plastic bottles.

Saving energy and resources: Producing, transporting and disposing of bottled water requires significant amounts of energy and resources. Drinking springs, on the other hand, use existing water infrastructure and minimal electricity for cooling or filtration, making them much more energy and resource efficient.

Water conservation: Water springs generally use municipal tap water, which is subject to strict quality standards. This helps to conserve water resources in contrast to the bottling industry, which uses large amounts of water for purification and bottling processes.

Reduced carbon footprint: The carbon footprint associated with transporting bottled water over long distances can be significant. Drinking water outlets in buildings reduce this footprint by providing a local and sustainable source of hydration. 

Economic benefits

Savings: Installing and maintaining the sprinklers is more cost-effective in the long run compared to purchasing bottled water for the building's residents or employees. The initial investment in these solutions is quickly offset by the reduced expenditure on bottled water. 

Maintenance capacity: Sprinklers have relatively low maintenance costs. They require periodic cleaning and possible filter replacement, but these costs are minimal compared to the ongoing expense of purchasing and managing bottled water supplies. 

Productivity and health: Access to clean drinking water can ensure healthier and more productive residents or employees. Proper hydration is essential for cognitive function and overall wellbeing, potentially reducing absenteeism and increasing productivity. 

A better image of sustainability: Adopting environmentally friendly practices, such as the provision of bottleless drinking water dispensers in the facility, can improve the building's sustainability image by attracting environmentally conscious tenants and customers. 

In summary, in-building sprinklers offer countless benefits, both environmental and economic. They contribute to reducing plastic waste, conserving resources, lowering greenhouse gas emissions and saving money in the long term. Investing in drinking water springs is a sustainable and financially wise decision that promotes a healthier planet and more efficient building operations.

Spa brands

In this section you will find a range of practical information related to our solutions. In the articles, we share our experience, discuss implementation steps and highlight good practices. It is a reliable source of information and advice on the provision of drinking water in public spaces, the legal regulations in this area, the benefits of installing drinking water dispensers and the technological aspects in this field.

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Drinking water springs in public spaces - why should there be more and more of them?

Universal access to drinking water in public spaces has been the norm for many years in Western European and North American cities. In many of them, drinking water springs were established as early as the 19th century and in some cases even much earlier. Today, in Poland too, there is increasing talk of the need to provide as many places as possible with public access to water. Why are drinking water springs in public spaces so important? What can we do to increase their number?

What are drinking water sources?

A drinking water well, also often referred to as a watering hole, a water supply or a spring, is a device that provides a public, free access to potable water from the municipal water supply system. They make it possible for everyone to drink fresh water, regardless of the time or lack of funds. In this way, one of the basic needs of every human being is realised.

Viewed from a legal and technical point of view, drinking water springs in public spaces are classified as so-called tap fittings. This is a piece of equipment in the water supply network that allows water to be drawn directly from the water supply. Fire hydrants, among others, are assigned to a similar category.

Drinking water wells in parks - fighting for the environment

What is the case for municipalities to invest in public access to drinking water sources? First and foremost, it is nod to residentswho, thanks to the availability of public drinking springs, do not have to buy water in the supermarket whenever they feel thirsty. This translates not only into saving moneybut above all it allows real take care of the environment. How?

Good public access to drinking water significantly reduces the demand for bottled drinks. Consequently there is also a reduction in the amount of plastic waste generated. People are more willing to use reusable bottles, refilling them at drinking water spas when they have the opportunity. This benefits the environment, which is not littered with more plastic waste. Public access to drinking water springs thus provides a simple way to go green.

Are drinking water springs in public spaces healthy?

There are often doubts about whether this way of drawing drinking water is hygienic and safe for health. Fortunately, there is nothing to fear! Drinking water sources installed in public places are designed to allow for as the most hygienic water intake.

There are special hygienic flushing systems for spasThe water is then discharged in a cyclic pattern to remove any dirt or deposits without the need for staff intervention. Cyclical water discharges prevent stagnation and ensure the correct water temperature, ensuring high quality and hygiene of the spa.

People want drinking water springs in public places

About drinking water outlets are becoming increasingly popular with the public and more and more people are becoming aware of the need for public access to good quality drinking water is evidenced, among other things, by how often such proposals appear in the civic budget projects of various municipalities and cities.

Due to climate change and increasingly hot summers, unrestricted access to drinking water is extremely important, especially during the summer season. Then children, the elderly, as well as residents and tourists alike can ensure that they are properly cooled down and hydrated, despite the high temperatures. Drinking water sources in parks also encourage outdoor activities both adults and parents with children, as they do not have to worry about not having access to water.

Moreover, the initiative to build public drinking water springs has the broad support of the European Union. In 2020, the European Parliament adopted a directive that regulates the quality and public access to drinking water in all countries of the community. This action comes in response to the 'Right2Water' citizens' initiative of more than 1.8 million Europeans demanding improved access to safe drinking water.