In this section you will find a range of practical information related to our solutions. In the articles, we share our experience, discuss implementation steps and highlight good practices. It is a reliable source of information and advice on the provision of drinking water in public spaces, the legal regulations in this area, the benefits of installing drinking water dispensers and the technological aspects in this field.
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There are a number of important things to bear in mind before putting the outdoor springs back into operation for another season. Proper preparation of the equipment will guarantee trouble-free and safe use. It is not enough to simply reconnect the water supply... It is very important to disinfect the body, bowls and spouts and to flush out the internal installation. If you are wondering how to do all this correctly, we recommend contacting our representatives - our service advise you, provide useful instructions and guidelines. And the best thing is to take advantage of our expert assistance and be sure that your equipment will run smoothly and that its use will be hygienic and reliable.
Contact us and find out more!
HFS system - see details Foundation slab - see details Drainage valve - see details
With the start of the season, many people are thinking about how to prepare outdoor springs and water stations for the coming spring and summer period. This is a time of increased activity, with residents eager to go for walks, to parks and promenades and to playgrounds. We can also see increased traffic in other places, such as railway stations and town squares. In order to ensure hygienic and trouble-free operation of the equipment, we invite you to take advantage of our maintenance services.
Regular maintenance, cleaning and cyclic sanitising of the facilities is a must. To ensure high water purity and bacteriological safety, this should be carried out at least once a year. Only then can we be sure that the water from springs and outdoor stations is of the right quality. All work is carried out by a specialised team. Our professionals thoroughly inspect each device and use tested and manufacturer-recommended products when carrying out the treatment.. The professional cleaning and disinfection of the appliances and the inspection of the installation includes, among other things, an examination of the condition of the spout or a check of the tightness of the seals. The service also includes re-commissioning and adjustment - the appliances are fitted correctly to ensure user safety.
We offer our customers both a one-off service and long-term contracts that provide periodic maintenance regardless of the equipment manufacturer.
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tel: +48 771 04 56 ext. 160
Tel: +48 600 212 709
In this section you will find a range of practical information related to our solutions. In the articles, we share our experience, discuss implementation steps and highlight good practices. It is a reliable source of information and advice on the provision of drinking water in public spaces, the legal regulations in this area, the benefits of installing drinking water dispensers and the technological aspects in this field.
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The emergence of the covid virus in the world has forced new behaviour in society and the use of solutions that we would not even have thought of before. As far as our business is concerned, we have introduced touchless dispensers, rinse-and-drop systems and improved cleaning and sanitisation services for dispensers. All in order to be able to use water dispensers in a safe and hygienic way. After all, access to drinking water must also be ensured in times of epidemics. At the turn of November and December 2020, i.e. at the very peak of the third wave of the pandemic in Poland, we faced the installation of wall-mounted and floor-standing drinking water dispensers in a rather original location, namely in one of the units of the Warmińsko-Mazurskie Border Guard Unit.
We are the leader in the installation of drinking water springs and distributors in Poland. We know this really well, and we are constantly extending the range of our services and adapting them to the needs and expectations of our customers. The appearance of the covid virus in the world has forced new behaviour in society and the use of solutions that we would not have even thought of before. As far as our business is concerned, we have introduced touchless devices, rinse-and-drain systems and improved our cleaning and sanitising services. All in order to be able to use water dispensers in a safe and hygienic way. After all, access to drinking water must also be ensured in times of epidemics.
At the turn of November and December 2020, i.e. at the very peak of the third wave of the pandemic in Poland, we faced the installation of wall-mounted and floor-standing drinking water dispensers in a rather original location, namely one of the units of the Warmińsko-Mazurskie Border Guard Unit. The tender request came to us a little earlier. The unit already had water dispensers from another manufacturer installed at its premises, but was not satisfied with their operation and service, so decided to make a change.
The equipment requirements were as follows:
Other requirements set by the customer were a fast completion date, the provision of maintenance services in the following years and the smooth execution of the installation of the distributors.
After we received the invitation to submit a bid, our representatives arranged an on-site visit to the unit with the client. The aim was to get to know the specifics of the areas where the equipment was to be placed in order to find the best solutions. This was done by taking measurements and taking photographs, so that a plan of action could be prepared for the client on his return. Of course, everything was done under a precautionary and sanitary regime.
After considering all the bids, the unit decided to choose Topserw, owner of the Zdrojownia brand, as the supplier and installation contractor for the new drinking water dispensers. Our proposal met all expectations, primarily providing touchless solutions, filtration systems and a full range of installation and maintenance services.
At the end of November and the beginning of December 2020, the installation of the equipment took place in accordance with the schedule of activities agreed between the parties. Our service technicians had to carry out their work at strict hours and, due to the nature of the client, also under the constant supervision of border guard personnel. All this was done in order to comply with all on-site procedures.
The installation of the 4 units went smoothly, with acceptance and the signing of the final documents taking place as planned. For our part, we offered the customer special floor mats, which were slip-resistant, prevented any splashing of water and, above all, provided an aesthetically pleasing environment. The equipment itself was labelled according to the customer's specifications.
We will systematically carry out a full service of the equipment, which will not only include checking and adjusting the equipment, but also descaling, cleaning, replacing filters and gas cylinders. Confirmation of the customer's satisfaction with both the equipment and the timely delivery and installation of the equipment is provided by references issued by the unit in April 2021. Our experience in the Warmia and Mazury region shows that we also operate under extreme conditions: in times of pandemics, under time pressure and according to tough customer guidelines. We will also adapt to your requirements.
In this section you will find a range of practical information related to our solutions. In the articles, we share our experience, discuss implementation steps and highlight good practices. It is a reliable source of information and advice on the provision of drinking water in public spaces, the legal regulations in this area, the benefits of installing drinking water dispensers and the technological aspects in this field.
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In mid-August 2020, the installation of wall-mounted drinking water dispensers was completed at the American School of Warsaw, which is attended by children from different countries, but also by Poles. Among other things, the school is counted among the prestigious ones because it guarantees a high level of education and the best equipment. In connection with the coronavirus pandemic and increased school safety standards, the school management decided to dismantle the existing drinking water sources and install modern touchless drinking water dispensers. Now every pupil will be able to conveniently fill his or her bidon or bottle with clean and fresh drinking water while maintaining the highest level of hygiene while on the premises. The dispensers have also been installed in the kindergarten area, but you can find out the details by reading the case study below. The material is well worth reading!
While education is free in Poland, the market for private schools-non-public in Polish-is growing. Parents are willing to pay upwards of $25,000 per year so their children can experience more individualized attention and gain skills that are not taught in public schools.
The American School in Warsaw, Poland, is one such private school. There, students are offered both an American High School Diploma and the International Baccalaureate Diploma. The American School prepares students for colleges and universities around the world. In addition to an American standard of education, the school must meet American plumbing standards and codes.
The American School installed standard bubbler drinking fountains throughout the school just five years ago. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the Polish government ordered all bubbler fountains to be disabled for fear of the spread of bacteria and germs. However, doing away with drinking water was not an option. The school manager was looking for a no-touch solution to provide students and faculty with fresh, clean drinking water, and they needed the solution in just a few weeks-before the school opened.
He did what anyone would do these days and Googled his options. On the first page of search results, he found Topserw , owner of the Spas brand, which is Murdock's European distributor based in Poland.
Topserw met with the school administration, toured the building, and laid out a plan. That plan included 50 H2O-to-Go!® Sensor-Operated Water Refill Stations (BF16) installed at 25 locations.
"Because the school must meet American standards, the fountains needed to be ADA-compliant," said Grzegorz Draniczarek, Topserw's business development manager.
Topserw is well informed of American building standards and requirements, so they included in their plan both high and low units to serve both adults and children and meet ADA requirements, as well.
Draniczarek explained, "In Poland, we do not have ADA regulations as you do in the U.S., and the school, while they knew these standards exist, was not familiar with how to implement them. We educated them on what was required."
Not only did they educate them on the ADA requirements, but Topserw also completed all the required paperwork, including translating and filling out special certifications so the Murdock bottle fillers could be sold in Poland. Topserw also translated all instructions for the bottle fillers into Polish.
In high-traffic areas, such as outside of the gymnasium and theatres, the bottle fillers include counters to track the number of bottles filled each day.
"From the signing of the contract to the completed installation, the job was done in just three weeks," said Marta Lachowska, Topserw's product manager of drinking fountains. "This wasn't just a simple installation. The existing freestanding units had floor inlets and outlets. The new units required the plumbing to be moved to the wall."
"It was an extremely difficult project, first removing the old appliances, re-locating the plumbing, and then installing our new units. You can imagine how time-consuming it was. But our team is very experienced, and we managed to do it in one week," added Lachowska.
In addition to preparing and installing the units, Topserw added water treatment solutions, sent the water for third-party purity testing, and procured anti-slip mats with the school logo and logos for the filtration units and Topserw.
In addition to the tight timeline, Topserw had other challenges that might seem familiar from your own projects. There was no one point of contact, and Lachowska said it was like having four cooks in the kitchen. It was not unusual to field 7:00 p.m. frantic phone calls from the school's maintenance department because the water was shut off, and they couldn't fill the pool.
Topserw was confident in their knowledge and abilities and worked through these disruptions and concerns flawlessly.
Lachowska said that everyone has a reusable water bottle in the American School. There, unlike most Polish schools, drinking tap water is as expected for students and staff as it is here in the U.S.
Draniczarek said that the work they are doing at the American School could apply a new standard in the Polish market.
"We can show that these products are necessary and that it's essential to have them in schools. Right now, indoor and outdoor drinking fountains are not a common solution in Poland like they are in the U.S., France, and even in the U.K.," said Draniczarek.
To that end, during the last six years, Topserw has been working with the water supply companies and government to promote the concept that tap water is perfectly safe to drink and a refreshing and healthy alternative to sugary drinks.
To meet the tight timeline, Topserw relied on their close relationship with Murdock. To speed up shipping and customs, Topserw ordered the battery packs required for the units separately from the bottle fillers themselves and then assembled them in their shop. That alone saved two to three weeks in shipping.
Topserw keeps their warehouse stocked with Murdock parts and fixtures at all times in order to deliver the quick turnaround times and excellent customer service their clients have come to expect. However, in these uncertain times you just never know what someone will need.
"During a pandemic, you cannot predict what people will want, and we don't have every option in stock in our shop. We made the strategic decision to work closely with Murdock to be able to satisfy short lead times whether the product is in stock or not," said Lachowska. "Customers don't want to wait 2-3 months for a product, which is typical when ordering from the U.S. Thanks to that support from and collaboration with Murdock, we are able to be successful."
That relationship is a huge competitive advantage for both Topserw and Murdock. Because of the flexibility and short lead times, Topserw can win jobs over its competitors. Their excellence in customer service probably has a lot to do with winning those bids, as well.
Lachowska credits International Account Manager Li Bar-Shai and Hortensia Upchurch, general manager at Fabricacion y Manufacturas de Mexico, with a fast turnaround.
"They made miracles happen in just two days," said Lachowska.
While the American School did not require extensive modifications on the units themselves, Topserw and Murdock are fully equipped to provide customisations for their customers.
Topserw has the engineering experience and knowledge to adapt to customers' unique needs and deliver a product with minor adjustments or extensive customisation depending on the situation.
Murdock Manufacturing's spirit of innovation makes us eager to take on custom projects, and we are happy to work with a company as knowledgeable and competent as Topserw to design a product that meets the customer's special requirements.
This was a difficult job due to the tight timeline and the restrictions imposed by the coronavirus. Not only were Topserw crews limited as to the hours they could work in the school, they also had to have their temperatures checked regularly and work in masks at all times-despite the 90-degree Fahrenheit weather conditions.
Despite the challenges, Topserw managed to pull the entire job off on budget and on time. Their hard work paid off in a two-year maintenance contract with the school, and there are plans to install outdoor bottle fillers (M-OBF4 Series or GYM74 Series and a few BF16s) next spring.
For more information about our products - see our catalogue - click below
In this section you will find a range of practical information related to our solutions. In the articles, we share our experience, discuss implementation steps and highlight good practices. It is a reliable source of information and advice on the provision of drinking water in public spaces, the legal regulations in this area, the benefits of installing drinking water dispensers and the technological aspects in this field.
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What can be done to make the use of public springs set up outside hygienic and safe? Outdoor sprinklers are exposed to the weather and the actions of users. Unlike indoor dispensers, it is not possible to clean and disinfect them on a daily basis. So what can be done to make their use not only safe, but also convenient? The construction of the water dispensers themselves prevents secondary contamination of the water and, when used properly, the devices are completely safe, but with today's realities in mind, we have developed a completely new and unique solution for the market. hygienic rinsing system for springs. It not only takes care of the cleanliness of the unit, but also prevents water stagnation in the system.
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