Vibrated concrete water spring DF-38
Two-storey vibrated concrete water spring DF-DUAL
Two-storey vibrated concrete water well with animal drinker DF-DUAL-PF
DFBF-36-ADA vibrated concrete water trap with side bowl
DFBF-36-PF vibrated concrete water well with side bowl and animal drinker
GUF vibrated concrete water spring
Water spring vibrated concrete with GUF-PF animal drinker
Stylized water dispenser operated by foot pedal M-1776
Stylized two-storey water spring 3511
Stylized two-bowl water dispenser M-C76B
Wall-mounted vibrated concrete tap water dispenser DFWM-12
Wall-mounted vibrated concrete water spring DFWM-19
Wall-mounted drinking water dispenser GRC
Vibrated concrete free-standing animal drinker GUT-PF-RFS
Freestanding pet drinker, steel GRT
Municipal tap water station CITY 1.0