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In this section you will find a range of practical information related to our solutions. In the articles, we share our experience, discuss implementation steps and highlight good practices. It is a reliable source of information and advice on the provision of drinking water in public spaces, the legal regulations in this area, the benefits of installing drinking water dispensers and the technological aspects in this field.

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Strengthening the potential and attractiveness of leisure, sports and recreation destinations through spas

Drinking water is a fundamental element of life and access to it is a key factor for a healthy lifestyle. In the context of public projects, especially those related to leisure, sports and recreation sites, drinking water resources should be treated as an integral part of the infrastructure. Such an approach not only promotes public health, but also greatly enhances the potential and attractiveness of places by encouraging active outdoor pursuits.

Public health and access to drinking water

Access to clean drinking water is a key element in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Therefore, the inclusion of drinking water spas in public projects is becoming an important aspect of keeping the public healthy.

Places such as parks, sports grounds or recreational areas often attract crowds of people, especially during the summer. Access to drinking water in these areas is becoming not only a convenience, but also an essential part of looking after public health.

Increasing the potential of public places

The introduction of drinking water springs into public projects significantly increases the potential of these places. People are keen to use a space that offers them the opportunity not only to be physically active, but also to stay hydrated. This is particularly important in the case of sports facilities, where intense physical activity requires regular fluid replenishment.

Attractiveness of public places for the community

Public projects equipped with drinking water springs become more attractive to local communities and visitors. Easy access to water is not only a health issue, but also an element of comfort that makes people more willing to spend time in open spaces. This in turn affects the reputation of a place, attracting new visitors and potentially attracting new investment.

Additionally, promoting healthy lifestyles by providing access to drinking water can have a positive impact on public awareness and education about the importance of hydration. Public places become a platform for health education, inspiring the community to make informed choices about their health.

Incorporating drinking water springs into public projects for places of rest, sport and recreation is an investment in public health and the development of local communities. The availability of drinking water not only increases the potential of these places, but also makes them more attractive to different social groups. Designers and public decision-makers should therefore take these aspects into account when planning and implementing infrastructure to create places that foster active lifestyles and strengthen social ties.