Spas -

In this section you will find a range of practical information related to our solutions. In the articles, we share our experience, discuss implementation steps and highlight good practices. It is a reliable source of information and advice on the provision of drinking water in public spaces, the legal regulations in this area, the benefits of installing drinking water dispensers and the technological aspects in this field.

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Two steps towards a green future: a bail system and clean water for Poland

Poland is facing new environmental and public health challenges. On the one hand, the [...] being implemented from 1 October 2025 [...].
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Provision of drinking water in workplaces - obligation and solution

Access to drinking water in the workplace is not only a matter of convenience, but also an employer's responsibility. This is particularly true for establishments, [...].
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Water dispensers in offices and clinics: For the sake of customers

In the interests of the comfort and well-being of their customers and petitioners, more and more offices and clinics are choosing to install [...]
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Amendments to the Act on collective water supply - new obligations for local authorities

In recent years, the topic of access to clean drinking water has gained prominence across Europe, and the European Union has taken specific [...]
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Water in the workplace - the key to health, concentration and productivity

The modern working environment is where we spend a significant part of the day. It generally consists of intensive work at [...]
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Drinking water wells - ideal for cycle paths and sports and leisure facilities

Nowadays, more and more people are engaging in outdoor physical activities such as cycling, running [...]
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Tap water - a safe and tasty option for everyone

More and more people are questioning the quality of tap water and its suitability for drinking. In Poland, tap water is [...].
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Drinking water wells as a key tool in the fight against plastic waste

Today's municipalities and cities face the challenge of reducing plastic waste, which pollutes the environment and puts a strain on waste management systems. [...]
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Strengthening the potential and attractiveness of leisure, sports and recreation destinations through spas

Drinking water is a fundamental element of life and access to it is a key factor for a healthy lifestyle. In the context of public projects, [...]
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Drinking water wells in the city: promotion for waterworks, benefits for residents, opportunity for your project

Clean and healthy drinking water is a key element for a healthy lifestyle and social well-being. It is therefore extremely important that residents [...]
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Water distributors in residential and office building projects

Water is one of the most important resources on Earth, essential for life and an essential part of any building. Nowadays, with [...]
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Unlimited access to water - new EU rules

At the end of 2020, MEPs passed new legislation to further improve drinking water quality, access to [...]
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